Circular Calendars for the Menstrual Cycle

circular calendar fertility awareness hormonal imbalance pms Oct 02, 2024
circular menstrual calendar

Things just make more sense sometimes when visualized as a circle versus a line. 

This is definitely the case with the menstrual cycle, because it’s a continuous loop. The moment that one menstrual cycle ends, the next one begins simultaneously.

So it’s actually more like a spiral. A “spiral of ascension” is the way I lovingly think of my menstrual cycles. 

Each new cycle that begins, literally starts with a release of blood, and viscerally feels like a fresh new start. Such a release… and a relief.

I can let go of what doesn’t work for me anymore. All premenstrual tension leaves me. And a fresh, new perspective and calmness comes to find me… thank goodness. (Many indigenous cultures believed women were at the height of their receptivity, intuition, and power during their menstrual phase. I can see why.)

Each new cycle is a chance to begin again, take better care of myself, love myself, and to aim even higher. It's an opportunity for personal growth, or ascension, until I reach my "wise-woman" years at menopause. 

Charting your menstrual cycle with a circular calendar will save you each cycle, because you can clearly see yourself as a cyclical being, just passing through various phases.

It saves you from judging yourself or others too harshly. And it saves you from planning hectic events when you know you'll be in your premenstrual or menstrual phase. 

You can quickly see your hormonal patterns emerge in the shape of various emotional, mental and energetic patterns from cycle to cycle.

When you have high-flying, feel good days, you can celebrate them and be grateful for them!

When you have harder, more sensitive and irritable days, you can be more gentle with yourself because almost always, hormones have something to do with it. 

Your feelings are always valid, but it definitely helps to see yourself as a cyclical being, (reflected back to you on your circular calendar wheel) who is passing through a phase, and to know that all will be well again soon enough.

You can grab your copy of the Menstrual Calendar Journal here if you're ready to start reframing your menstrual cycles as "spirals of ascension," too! 

Warmly, Veronica 

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