Fire Cider: How-To Make this Easy DIY Herbal Remedy

herbal remedy women's health Oct 21, 2024
Fire Cider ingredients

I originally wrote this post in 2016, and titled it:

Drink Fire Cider So You Can Use Your "Sick Days" For Some Fun Instead

When I worked full-time for a company with very limited sick and vacation leave, I despised having to use my sick days for when I was actually sick. I loved using a sick day to go enjoy myself instead!

So when I learned about Fire Cider as a first year herb student, I made it for myself so I could stay healthy all year, and use my sick days more wisely :)

Fire Cider is an herbal immune support tonic (tonic means safe for daily use). It's very warming, stimulates blood circulation, and is a digestive aid.

You can take a spoonful of Fire Cider several times throughout the day if you feel a cold, cough, sore throat, or flu coming on. Otherwise, just a spoonful a day is good.

Fire Cider is a folk remedy that herbalist Rosemary Gladstar popularized. She generously shared her recipe and promotes everyone making Fire Cider for themselves as a way to stay healthy all year long. 

NOTE: I suggest to test a little, wait and see how it makes you feel. If it doesn't make you feel warm and energized in a good way, then don't use it anymore! In the words of herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, “If you are a very firey person, with a ruddy complexion, and have a hyper tense disposition,” fire cider may not be the best to add to your daily diet.

The recipe below is a variation of hers, and I listed some of the health benefits of each ingredient.

If you’re short on time, I recommend keeping your batch of Fire Cider simple and using garlic, onion and ginger, instead of the whole lot of ingredients listed below. 

What you'll need...

In addition to the ingredients below, you’ll need raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (I get 2 Bragg's 32 oz bottles), raw unfiltered honey, at least 2 mason jars (size of jars depends on how much Fire Cider you want to make), and parchment paper to place between the glass jar and metal lid (so the vinegar won’t cause the metal to rust).

The directions below yields a large batch of Fire Cider, about 60 oz. It's definitely enough to share with friends and family-- perfect to gift for the holiday season! Cut the recipe in half for individual use.

Main Ingredients:

1 garlic bulb, remove skin from each clove, crush, and chop

2 yellow onions, diced

1 cup fresh horseradish root, peeled and finely chopped or grated

1 cup fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped or grated

2 jalapeños, cut into coins Or ¼ tsp cayenne powder per mason jar

Optional Ingredients (that I include in my own recipe):

2 lemons, juice and zest

2  tbsp turmeric powder

2 tbsp dried rosemary

2 star anise

2 tbsp black peppercorns

2 cinnamon sticks

½ cup fresh turmeric root, peeled and diced


  1. Chop all the herbs / veggies you plan on using and separate them evenly into 2 mason jars, or 1 quart sized jar (more or less depending on how big of a batch you choose to make). The mason jar(s) should not be filled to the brim with your vegetables and herbs. Leave at least 3 inches of space.
  2. Cover your ingredients with apple cider vinegar, making sure the veggies are covered by 2 inches.
  3. Place parchment paper over your mason jar(s) before screwing on its lid.
  4. Store jars in a dark place, like a kitchen cupboard and shake daily to help macerate all the veggies in the vinegar.
  5. After a month, your Fire Cider will be ready to strain. Use a cheesecloth to strain the now medicinal, delicious, and spicy vinegar into a clean mason jar. Make sure to squeeze out all the juices from the veggies, herbs, and spices into your jar as well.
  6. Add honey to your Fire Cider to taste and enjoy!

Since vinegar and honey are two natural preservatives, I don’t refrigerate my Fire Cider.

But I do consume it within a year. Make sure to label and date!


You can take a spoonful of Fire Cider 3 times throughout the day if you feel a cold, cough, sore throat, or flu coming on. Otherwise, just a spoonful a day is good.

Medicinal Properties:

Ginger- supports the immune system, warming and decongestant herb, acts as a circulatory stimulant by increasing blood flow which supports oxygenation of tissue and the elimination of waste, and aids digestion. 

Garlic- antimicrobial, stimulates production of white blood cells in the body which boosts body’s immune function, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, warms the blood, fights infections in the body, great for heart health

Horseradish root- aids in digestion, helps relieve sinus infections by opening up sinuses, warming, acts as a circulatory stimulant to help move energy around in the body

Cayenne- acts as a circulatory stimulant by increasing blood flow which supports oxygenation of tissue and the elimination of waste, heart tonic, digestive aid

Turmeric- support liver health, anti-inflammatory, treats chest colds and coughs

Onion- supports the immune system

Cinnamon- warming, boosts vitality, improves circulation, clears congestion, digestive aid, stabilizes blood sugar levels

Rosemary- improves circulation, digestive aid

Apple Cider Vinegar- a solvent to extract all the “good stuff” from the herbs, veggies, spices

Honey- natural antibacterial (best if raw and unprocessed)



Hoffmann, David. Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts, 2003. Print.

Gladstar, Rosemary. Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide. North Adams, MA: Storey Pub., 2012. Print.

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