
Red Raspberry Leaf: Female Reproductive Tonic as a Delicious Sweet Tea! [Recipe inside] female reproductive system herbal tea uterine tonic women's health

Red Raspberry Leaf and nectarine iced tea in the making! 

Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) tastes gently sweet and earthy, and is a uterine and pelvic tonic. The way I’ve made it here...

Spring greens (and more) for breast health: kiss lumps, bumps and scares goodbye breast health cysts estrogen lymphatic system

There’s not much that’s scarier than feeling a lump in your breast area. Trust me, I know!

Since puberty, I always had lumpy breast tissue. My breasts felt dense and tender. I stayed...

Benefits of confirming ovulation yourself each cycle fertility awareness ovulation symptothermal

Ovulation always comes first. You can not have a true menstrual period without having ovulated. Confirming ovulation yourself each cycle is the only way to know for sure if you had / are having...

Here's why ovulating is important even if you're not trying to get pregnant ovulation progesterone

Ovulating is the way we make progesterone! 

Some key benefits of progesterone include:

  • a calming restorative effect to the nervous system
  • promotes good sleep and a good mood
  • keeps...
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